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Candid Wedding Photography in Pondicherry

  • 04
  • 04 Oct 2018

Posted By: San B

A wedding in India or anywhere in the world is a once in a lifetime experience. People want to remember their special day. Wedding photography is the best way to capture the most wonderful moments of a couple’s life - their wedding day. These days there is a trend of candid wedding photography which is catching up fast. While this is a new hip trend, there are still many takers of traditional wedding photography as well.

Unexpected and spontaneous wedding photography:

Indian candid photography is a classic mixture of old and new as it covers a very traditional wedding in new and different hue. It captures people when they are not aware of their picture being taken. Hence, the name Candid. The photographs are taken spontaneously without staging a scene. Hence it is natural and brings in a sense of realism. The photographer moves around the wedding area and catches people unawares as they go about the wedding rituals. It has become really popular in recent times in spite of candid photography cost being higher than that of traditional photography.

Traditional is a trend

In a contrast to candid photography, a traditional photography would involve sitting down pictures of the people who would be aware that a picture is being clicked. This kind of photography is more informal in its approach.

Traditional photography allows the photographer to create the perfect scenario to take a picture where everyone is giving their best shot. It also means that the people who have to be in the picture can dress up accordingly and strike a pose which suits them more.

While traditional photography ensures that events are captured as they were intended to, the beauty of candid wedding photography lies in the natural reactions of the people. It captures people in their truest emotions and brings out the feelings of that moment through a picture.

In the traditional form of photography, if the picture is trying to capture the newlywed couple, then they will be visible crystal clear and will be at the center of the picture usually. This is different from candid photography where the photographer can decide to choose a unique angle for capturing the couple. He may focus on a scene through a new position and use light differently to give a fresh perspective to the picture. Hence it is more creative.

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